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Product Description

All charts printed on non-tearing, plastic sheet, weatherproof, washable, with markable surface of 75x100 cm and fitted with plastic rollers.

1. Epithelial Tissues : 
    a. Simple
    b. Stratified

2. Connective tissue, loose
3. Connective tissue, Skeleton (bone cartilage)
4. Connective tissue, blood
5. Nerve cells
6. Types of nerve cellls
7. Neuralgia
8. Types of muscular tissues
9. Plasmodium vivax, life-cycle
10. Amphioxus embryological development
11. Sponge, external morphology
12. Hydra extrnal morphology T.S. 
13. Obelia life-cycle and T.S in medus
14. Echinococcus life-cycle
15. Pinworm life-cycle
16. Earthworm, external structure with T.S. in intestine and internal anatomy
17. Earthworm, circulatory and reproductive systems
18. Snail. L.S. through mouth
19. Snail reproductive system
20. Crayfish T.S. in bronchial chamber
21. Crayfish, Reproductive system, male and female
22. Cockroach mouth parts
23. Cocroach internal anatomy
24. Starfish water vasular system
25. Starfish digestive system
26. Amphioxus, general structure
27. Amphioxus, circulatory system
28. Fish, circulatory system
29. Fish, reproductive system male and female
30. Frog circulatory system and l.s. in heart
31. Frog, skeletal system and l.s. in heart
32. Pigeon, skeletal system with fore-and hind-limbs
33. Pigeon, arterial and venous system
34. Rabbit, arterial and venous systems with l.s. in heart
35. Rabbit, reproductive system, male and female.
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No-5309/27, Punjabi Mohalla, Ambala Cantt - 133001, Haryana, India
Phone :08068821194
Mr Devender Singhla (Chief Executive)
Mobile :08068821194